
Mass Racist Assembly in Kiev Stadium

Disturbing demonstration of racism and Russiophobia, under the banners of Nazi Pravyi Sektor, the stadium sings “Those that do not jump are Russian (using as Russian a word that is a degrading epithet, moskal) 

The racist spirit propagating itself in Central and Western Ukraine is highly unsettling, and certainly does not represent the democratic values of the European Union.

Svoboda Nazis: A 2013 Funeral


Gologory 28/07/2013

Ceremony of interment of the remains of Ukrainian soldiers of the Waffen SS Ukrainian “galicina”, found in a vacant lot and buried with military honors!

In this regard, worried, says the chairman of the International Jewish to the Orthodox Patriarch, the letter is in French

Ronald S. Lauder President of the World Jewish Congress wrote about it in August 2013 the Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Ronald S. Lauder le Président du Congrès Juif Mondial a écrit à ce sujet en aout 2013 au Patriarche de l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine :

« Je vous écris aujourd’hui pour vous exprimer les préoccupations profondes des Juifs à travers le monde face à la glorification récente de la division ukrainienne Waffen-SS Galicie lors d’une cérémonie de ré-inhumation dans le village de Gologory en Ukraine occidentale le 28 juillet 2013. J’ai été horrifié de voir les photos de jeunes Ukrainiens portant le redoutable uniforme des SS avec des croix gammées clairement visibles sur leurs casques alors qu’ils portaient les cercueils des membres de cette unité nazie, les conduisant à leurs nouvelles tombes, et qu’ils tiraient des salves d’honneur en leur mémoire. J’ai été particulièrement troublé par la participation à cette cérémonie d’un prêtre de l’Eglise orthodoxe ukrainienne qui a semblé donner une légitimité religieuse à la réhabilitation de SS. […] Comme vous l’avez judicieusement déclaré en mai 2012 […] “le Mal peut se produire sous une autre forme, si les gens sont indifférent à son émergence au début”.

Nous sommes également profondément préoccupés par le fait qu’Oleg Pankevich, un député du parti ultra-nationaliste Svoboda, a également pris part à la cérémonie de ré-inhumation à Gologory. Comme vous le savez, les dirigeants de Svoboda, comme leurs homologues de Jobbik en Hongrie et d’Aube Dorée en Grèce, tiennent fréquemment des discours antisémites qui ont des implications inquiétantes. Dans ce contexte, les références fréquentes du leader de Svoboda Oleh Tyahnibok à une « mafia judéo-moscovite » prennent une signification sinistre.

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Reporting that militants of neo-nazi “Right Sector” have murdered a group of soldiers (members of the Ukrainian army) near Kramatorkaya Starovavarke (Kramatorsk)

The soldiers didn’t want to kill civilians. Then at the mid-night a squad of neo-nazis have fallen on them and murdered the soldiers. This is how the USA-EU impose the democracy in Ukraine!!! Killing their own soldiers! And just because they didn’t want to kill civilians!!! 


‘Against democratic principles’: EU slams Ukraine’s radical Right Sector

We are beginning to see some improvement from EU politicians.
Hopefully the US & Canadian governments will follow suit.

Pictures of Victims Suggest White Phosphorus was used in the Odessa Massacre

One of the victims of the Odessa burning:


Please note that the eyelashes and hair are intact, strongly suggesting that the victim was burned by the use of white phosphorus or other chemicals.

According to several sources, the Odessa police made public its findings on its website which confirm that white phosphorus was used against the men, women and children who were seeking protection from fascists in the Trade Union building in Odessa, on 2.5.2014. However, according to several unconfirmed sources, the report was later hacked. Below is the report describing a different victim, as translated by Linda Oliver, but we do not have a link to it.

Translation by Linda Oliver:

The facial skin citizen P., 42 years old, covered with soot (except the folds of the eyelids , deep wrinkles, nasolabial triangle). At soot -free areas the skin is dry, yellowish, slightly scaly. In the frontal region, on the nose, on the cheeks and chin merging multiple brownish-red lesions irregularly rounded shape burns, parchment density.
In the bottom of their places translucent visible blood vessels. On the periphery of lesions are grayish flaps cuticle.
Damaged lungs, clothing intact, ulcerative 2-4 degree burns chemical exposure, asthma occurred during the chemical effects of the gas burns with chemical exposure”

Website source: 1.T20—T32 Термические и химические ожоги МКБ-10 2.MeSH D002056 3.МКБ-9 940-949 MeSH Browser Record MeSH Browser Record

US Support for the Illegitimate Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Government

By: Joshua Tartakovsky

In the video below depicting Ukrainian fascists marching, the leader of the Svoboda party,  Oleh Tyahnybok, can be seen at minute (9:17) chanting alongside fellow Ukrainian fascists ‘Hail to Bandera’.  Stepan Bandera was a Ukrainian fascist leader whose group, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), carried out massive massacres of Jews and Poles during World War II and advocated a fascist ideology, even while Bandera was in German prison.


US Senator John McCain met with Tyahnybok during his visit to Ukraine in December 2013.  Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs of the US State Department, Victoria Nuland also met with Tyahnybok on several occasions.


In the massacre conducted by German forces and Ukrainian collaborators in Babi Yar, Ukraine in 1941, 33,771 Jews were exterminated.  History should not be forgotten, nor denied. In light of this rather obvious statement, all people with conscience should oppose any form of Holocaust denial and the revival of Nazism in Europe.


The OUN formed an alliance with the Nazis and had several military units that captured Lviv, Ukraine, in June 30, 1941.  In Lviv, OUN forces searched for Jewish residents and massacred them. The OUN supported the formation of the Ukrainian 14th Waffen SS Division that was under the general command of the Nazi forces that engaged in massacres and ethnic cleansing of Poles, Russians and Jews.  Russ Bellant explained in an interview with Paul H. Rosenberg, that “the OUN, even in its postwar publications, has called for ethno-genetically pure Ukrainian territory, which of course is simply calling for purging Jews, Poles and Russians from what they consider Ukrainian territory.” It is rather shameful that the BBC chose to engage in white washing the crimes of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army by saying “some accuse them of murdering Jews and Poles”.


The historians Tarik Cyril Amar, Omer Bartov, and Per Anders Rudling argued that the immense violence carried out by the OUN cannot be justified as an attempt to resist a Soviet occupation. They write:


“Ideologically, and explicitly, the OUN sought an ethnically homogenous “führerstaat,” a greater Ukraine under its own totalitarian control. Its leadership endorsed a biologized ethnic nationalism and not only sought but carried out mass murder of those deemed alien to the national organism.”


According to Bellant, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) is a major group behind the Svoboda party. The fascist Svoboda party currently occupies several government positions in the unelected US-supported Kiev government established following the Maidan coup.  Andriy Parubiy, founder of the neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine, later renamed Svoboda, is the National Security Chief. He is in charge of military operations against Ukrainians who oppose the Kiev junta and want their rights to be protected in a federal Ukraine. His deputy is Right Sector leader Dymtro Yarosh, who said he seeks to follow the path laid out by Stepan Bandera.


In a hearing at the US House Foreign Affairs Committee on May 8, Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican congressman from California, confronted Victoria Nuland about neo-Nazi involvement in the Maidan coup. Rohrabacher  said “We did have a legitimate election before, and the legitimate president was removed after we had major street violence. There were pictures of people running around, that we were told were neo-Nazis”. Nuland responded by saying “if you had a chance to see the pictures, many of us visited, including many members here, there were mothers and grandmothers and veterans.” Rohrabacher asked: “the question is were there neo-Nazi groups involved in that?”.  To which Nuland responded: “there were, as I said, almost every color of Ukraine was represented including some ugly colors.” To which Rohrabacher responded: “the answer is yes, then.”