June 2nd, 2014. Extreme Violence in Lugansk

Since the “election” of Mr. Poroshenko in Ukraine, the violence against Eastern citizens has only been increasing at alarming rates. Where once only deployments of Armored Personnel Carriers and Infantry troops were seen as justified, the attacks quickly increased in scale to the use of Combat Aircraft and Artillery to target both residential and commercial areas of what was once Eastern Ukraine. Many innocents civilians lost their lives in the attacks on Slavyansk in the past week since the election, children and women have lost their lives to Artillery Strikes carried out by the Ukrainian Army.

Today, the attacks on the citizens of Lugansk bring back an eerie sentiment equivalent to the horror the world witnessed in the events of Odessa. Regardless of what the Ukrainian Army and Federal Government claim, this amount of military force against civilians was as unjustified as the euro-maidan protesters torching the citizens alive in the Trade Union building in Odessa on May 2nd.

Aircraft were once against used civilians, but contrary to the attack on the Donetsk Airport a few days ago, this time the air strikes were targeted at residential areas inhabited by innocent civilians.

Following these attacks, more members of the Ukrainian Army are awakening to the horrible illegality and immorality behind their commander’s orders,  and as the dissidents against the Nazi’s Reich back in WW2, these men are starting to express themselves and speak out against the massacre of civilians and war against the people of Lugansk and Donetsk and all of the Eastern Region.

At this point, people in other countries, namely Russian minister Zyuganov are calling to make certain areas of Ukraine a No Fly Zone

No Fly Zone

The Kiev Post reports further on this statement: http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/zyuganov-calls-for-no-fly-zone-over-donbas-luhansk-region-350348.html

Strategically speaking, the Kiev administration may think it is powerful to overwhelm Infantry men and footsoldiers with a few mechanized lightly-armed Armored Personnel Carriers with use of the Air-Force, but we predict that this excessive force and violence will bring about the downfall of the new Poroshenko Government, and literally lead to a new revolution against the new Government in Kiev.

Little does Poroshenko know, that citizens and soldiers of every country of the world at looking at him and his administration in disgust, and with a growing hatred and resentment that will not be overcome by crude political speeches or Ukrainian Military forces.

It is safe to predict, that this mediocre strategy employed by the Poroshenko administration will lead to more violence, more conflict, more resistance, and ultimately, his downfall.

Only time will tell how much longer the world will tolerate the sight of these crimes committed in the name of legal government powers in Ukraine, and how much longer Ukraine has until other military forces step in to put a stop to the bloodshed they are responsible for.

At this point of no return, Poroshenko & co, have a lot of blood on their hands, the blood of innocents, and their crimes will not be forgotten.

Only a fool could look into the eyes of a child and see a terrorist. #SaveDonbassChildren

Only a fool could look into the eyes of a child and see a terrorist. #SaveDonbassChildren

The day after the Presidential Election, May 26th 2014

May 26th was a day filled with violence for both Ukraine and the Donetsk region in the east.

Helicopters and Su-25 Combat Aircraft opened fired on the Donetsk Airport, and other locations nearby.


The amount of violence inflicted upon Civilians of the Donetsk region is clearly a violation of international law and human rights.

The list of victims is still growing, and the total amount of casualties is uncertain, but according to available information deaths exceed 100 and injuries exceed double that (200).



According to our information, two Su-25, two Mig-29 and 4 Mi-24 Combat helicopters were deployed in an attack against the Donetsk region. Mortar fire was also used to attacks other eastern cities on May 26th 2014.

A horrible day leaving many people scarred and scared, the people in the Donetsk region are living a horrible nightmare under the pressure of these increasingly violent attacks from the Ukrainian Army.


In response to these violent attacks suffered at the hands of the Kiev Government, the people of the south-east have launched an international appeal on social media in order to raise awareness and try to incite the world to force the Ukraine government to stop these military attacks on Civilians areas and populations.

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Meanwhile, back in Kiev, Mr. Poroshenko is celebrating his unorthodox victory in the 2014 presidential elections.



Slavyansk: Damage Report – May 20th

Following the attack of the Ukrainian Army, National Guard and Private Sector, here are some images of the damages inflicted to the civilians of the city of Slavyansk and their property.

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Below: The Children of Slavyansk taking cover underground from the Ukrainian Army’s artillery strikes on their city.


More information can be found here: http://itar-tass.com/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/1198949


The Truthseeker: NATO false flags in Ukraine

US intel source claims Ukraine part of NATO secret campaign Gladio; psychopathy tests for our leaders; and a mainstream host storms out the studio after a vicious exchange on false flags.
Seek truth from facts with Questioning the War on Terror author Kevin Barrett, StopImperialism.org’s Eric Draitser, James Corbett of The Corbett Report, and possible 2016 presidential candidate Jesse Ventura.


Reporting that militants of neo-nazi “Right Sector” have murdered a group of soldiers (members of the Ukrainian army) near Kramatorkaya Starovavarke (Kramatorsk)

The soldiers didn’t want to kill civilians. Then at the mid-night a squad of neo-nazis have fallen on them and murdered the soldiers. This is how the USA-EU impose the democracy in Ukraine!!! Killing their own soldiers! And just because they didn’t want to kill civilians!!! 

Intel: Kiev Prepares Artillery Strike On City Of Slavyansk

Translated quote:



Original Message:

“People ask to help. Everybody are keeping silence… Its horrible!
СРОЧНЫЙ МЕГА-ПЕРЕПОСТ! ПОМОГИТЕ! ПЕРЕДАВАЙТЕ ВСЕМ!!!ЭТО ПРАВДА ЖУТКАЯ ,ИБО ПО УКР.КАНАЛУ ВЫСТУПАЛ ЗАМ. ЮМИНИСТРА УКРАИНЫ ,И СКАЗАЛ,ЧТО ЕСТЬ ДВА ВАРИАНТА… ОН ТАК И СКАЗАЛ ,ЧТО ОДИН ИЗ ВАРИАНТОВ ПРЕВРАТИТЬ СЛАВЯНСК С ПОМОЩЬЮ СИСТЕМ ЗАЛПОВОГО ОГНЯ В СТАЛИНГРАД!!!! ПЕРЕМЕСИТЬ ВСЕХ И ВСЯ!!!!!! С Е Г О Д Н Я …..БЫЛО СКАЗАНО СЕГОДНЯ!!!!!! ЕЩЕ вСлавянске |и Краматорске сегодня в 0:48 Турчинов объявил что в городе местных нет, что все выехали по зеленому коридору. Проблема в том, что никакого коридора не было, все люди до сих пор в городе, но теперь, официально, жителей Славянска тут нет. Просьба снять видео с сегодняшней датой и выкладывайте в сеть! Желательно снимать в людных местах, чтобы все видели, что никто никуда не уехал! ЕЩЕ ОНИ ХОТЯТ УНИЧТОЖИТЬ ВЕСЬ ГОРОД , СЛАВЯНСК УСТАНОВКОЙ ГРАД И СВАЛИТЬ НА РОССИЮ! Всем всем со скоростью света….Украинские установки Град хотят уничтожить г. Славянск. А потом спихнуть на Россию как в Грузии. Передавайте – чем больше известий, тем меньше шансов у УБИЙЦ! когда они это сделают, уже бесполезно будет кричать, что это не Россия!!!Как ни печально, но придется браться за оружие и каленым железом записать правду в историю… Провокация, о которой знают заранее – бессмысленна! Распространяйте в других сетях, за пределами России и Украины – тогда установки залпового огня не получат команды – и уцелеют тысячи людей! Это только что из Славянска пришло…ПРОСИМ ПЕРЕДАВАЙТЕ ВСЕМ! СПАСЁМ ЖИЗНИ ЛЮДЕЙ. Everybody are keeping silence… Its horrible!”

Google Translator:
