
IOUC – Full Ukraine Crisis Report (Dec 2013 – Jul 2014)

A full report on the situation in Ukraine, from the Euromaidan in December 2013, to the present situation today in July 2014. Footage from the most important moments during the crisis have been compiled into this full length documentary from a Politically Neutral Standpoint.

This movie was produced and edited by Maj. Alan Astudillo of the 1st Earth Battalion, 4th Delta Force.

Disclaimer: We are in no way associated with groups that go by the names of IOUCO or IOUCON, also identified as the International Observatory of Ukrainian Conflict, These are biased groups lead by people with an agenda who are not politically neutral and seek to provoke more conflict rather than defuse it. We are in no way associated with these above-mentioned groups or the leader which goes by the name of Mykolas Alutis, which we know for a fact and hold evidence and testimony from that person himself that Mykolas Alutis is not his real name. It is unsure which side he is working for, but it is clearly not the side of peace.

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Svoboda Nazis: A 2013 Funeral


Gologory 28/07/2013

Ceremony of interment of the remains of Ukrainian soldiers of the Waffen SS Ukrainian “galicina”, found in a vacant lot and buried with military honors!

In this regard, worried, says the chairman of the International Jewish to the Orthodox Patriarch, the letter is in French

Ronald S. Lauder President of the World Jewish Congress wrote about it in August 2013 the Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Ronald S. Lauder le Président du Congrès Juif Mondial a écrit à ce sujet en aout 2013 au Patriarche de l’Église orthodoxe d’Ukraine :

« Je vous écris aujourd’hui pour vous exprimer les préoccupations profondes des Juifs à travers le monde face à la glorification récente de la division ukrainienne Waffen-SS Galicie lors d’une cérémonie de ré-inhumation dans le village de Gologory en Ukraine occidentale le 28 juillet 2013. J’ai été horrifié de voir les photos de jeunes Ukrainiens portant le redoutable uniforme des SS avec des croix gammées clairement visibles sur leurs casques alors qu’ils portaient les cercueils des membres de cette unité nazie, les conduisant à leurs nouvelles tombes, et qu’ils tiraient des salves d’honneur en leur mémoire. J’ai été particulièrement troublé par la participation à cette cérémonie d’un prêtre de l’Eglise orthodoxe ukrainienne qui a semblé donner une légitimité religieuse à la réhabilitation de SS. […] Comme vous l’avez judicieusement déclaré en mai 2012 […] “le Mal peut se produire sous une autre forme, si les gens sont indifférent à son émergence au début”.

Nous sommes également profondément préoccupés par le fait qu’Oleg Pankevich, un député du parti ultra-nationaliste Svoboda, a également pris part à la cérémonie de ré-inhumation à Gologory. Comme vous le savez, les dirigeants de Svoboda, comme leurs homologues de Jobbik en Hongrie et d’Aube Dorée en Grèce, tiennent fréquemment des discours antisémites qui ont des implications inquiétantes. Dans ce contexte, les références fréquentes du leader de Svoboda Oleh Tyahnibok à une « mafia judéo-moscovite » prennent une signification sinistre.

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Ukraine: A Member of Parliament was not allowed to speak about killings in Mariupol

English Transcript:

The ten first days of May have shocked Ukraine.

The horror of the crimes committed only proves that in Ukraine, by Ukrainian people’s blood some are trying to consolidate the  national-fascist regime. These very events state today that at the Inquisition’s stake in Odessa in the House of Trade Unions those people were burned who had a different point of view. They were burnt alive, finished off with metal bars as they tried to escape the building, or jump out of the windows.

They were massacred  because they, the citizens of Ukraine, had a different view. I believe that today we must have a very serious talk about the fact that such heads of Administrations as Odarchenko, and I have the impression that he is nothing but a lunatic- psychopath, who at the event dedicated to the  Victory Day, declared that Hitler did the right thing, when he came to our land, to “liberate” our people, people of Ukraine. “Liberate” from whom? From the Communists.

Such things can only say either half-wit or a total thug, who tarnishes the memory of our fathers and ancestors, who by shedding their own blood, liberated our land from evil. I once again want to emphasize that these very heads of Administrations brought the militia from Lvov and Ternopol to Kherson oblast on the Victory Day – namely those armed gangs who perform the role of cutthroats today.

Those thugs were not brought to protect veterans, but to implement the policy of intimidation, which is being instigated in the country. Whilst issuing warnings of provocations, this regime itself is planning and arranging these provocations. And the performers are their mercenaries, the armed Sonderkommando who nowadays are paid by the oligarch and are sent to kill people. Just as the inquisitors did, in Odessa, they burned dozens of people alive at the stake.

Once again I must stress that the events on May 9 in Mariupol is clear evidence that National Fascist regime is being established here. Dear citizens, who of you does not yet know what happened in Mariupol? I worked there. I have a lot of people, acquaintances who know what really happened and confirm this. In Mariupol the city militia department personnel was shot for mere refusal to carry out a criminal command to disperse citizens who were peacefully celebrating the Victory Day at their meeting. Thugs arrived at the light tanks and shot the militia with rocket-propelled grenades…

Turchinov – interrupting – (speaks Ukrainian) – I ask to mute the microphone of the People’s Deputy Simonenko. You lie and misinform people. (Indignant exclamations). These were the terrorists who attacked the Internal Affairs Department of Mariupol. Go and sit to your place! You do not have no conscience, no honour. Go to your seat! Liar. Sit down, I said! (People are outraged, demanding to allow the MP to complete his speech) – you are boldly lying, you lie! (people, outraged get up from their seats).

– I rule you out! Follow the rules, there is time limit. Cynical misinformation is being spread. ( people come up to the speaker’s podium, outraged , demanding to give the floor to the Deputy).  These were those terrorists who attacked the Department of Internal Affairs in Mariupol, killed militiamen, and they were later liquidated by paratroopers. Sit down, I rule you out! Parliament is no place for liars, take your seat! (people are leaving their seats, demanding to let the Deputy to speak). Sit down! If you want to lie, do it elsewhere. Simonenko disseminates false and provocative information after the Russian media. I repeat once again – take your place!

Sit and calm down. I will apply to the Ministry of Justice. Too plentiful information and materials are being spread by representatives of the Communist Party, the organization is engaged in separatist and terrorist activities. I will ask the Ministry of Justice to consider this statement. And having collected evidence, ban the Communist Party in Ukraine.


Special Thanks to Marina Kolesnikova for Translation to Englishna Kolesnik