
IOUC – Full Ukraine Crisis Report (Dec 2013 – Jul 2014)

A full report on the situation in Ukraine, from the Euromaidan in December 2013, to the present situation today in July 2014. Footage from the most important moments during the crisis have been compiled into this full length documentary from a Politically Neutral Standpoint.

This movie was produced and edited by Maj. Alan Astudillo of the 1st Earth Battalion, 4th Delta Force.

Disclaimer: We are in no way associated with groups that go by the names of IOUCO or IOUCON, also identified as the International Observatory of Ukrainian Conflict, These are biased groups lead by people with an agenda who are not politically neutral and seek to provoke more conflict rather than defuse it. We are in no way associated with these above-mentioned groups or the leader which goes by the name of Mykolas Alutis, which we know for a fact and hold evidence and testimony from that person himself that Mykolas Alutis is not his real name. It is unsure which side he is working for, but it is clearly not the side of peace.

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Oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi: Washington’s “Man in Ukraine”


Who was behind the May 2nd massacre inside Odessa’s Trade Unions Building?

What was the role of Oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi  appointed by President Oleksandr Turchynov as governor of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

Ihor Kolomoyskyi  is a member of Yulia Tymoshenko Fatherland Party. Tymoshenko is Washington’s favored Presidential candidate in the May 25th election.

Just weeks before the coup, on February 4th, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Asia, Victoria Nuland, chose Tymoshenko’s ally Arseni Yatsenyuk to head the post-coup interim government, which appointed Kolomoyskyi. a few months before this coup, Nuland had asserted that U.S. taxpayers had already invested more than $5 billion, in order to bring “democracy” to Ukraine, by which she was referring to the U.S. effort to oust the Russian-oriented, democratically elected, leader of Ukraine, President Viktor Yanukovych, who had prosecuted and imprisoned Tymoshenko for embezzlement and abuse of governmental office.

Tymoshenko was then on 11 October 2011 sentenced to seven years in prison, and was ordered to pay the government restitution of $188 million. She was released from prison less than three years later, two days after the coup, on 24 February 2014. The Ukrainian criminal code was immediately changed, in order to legalize the actions for which Tymoshenko had been imprisoned. This allowed Tymoshenko to run for the Ukrainian Presidency. She had been Prime Minister 2007-2010. Both she and her husband, Oleksandr Tymoshenko, and his father, all three of whom were on the board of United Energy Systems of Ukraine (and thus Ms. Tymoshenko was called “the gas princess”) have been legally prosecuted as embezzling state funds, but so have most of Ukraine’s oligarchs and political leaders (and there’s a lot of crossover between those two categories).

Kolomoyskyi, who lives in Geneva Switzerland, is generally regarded as the second-richest man in Ukraine, with a fortune estimated at about $6 billion. Tymoshenko used to be called “the Eleven Billion Dollar Woman,” but, like all of Ukraine’s oligarchs (including Kolomoyskyi), nobody really knows precisely how wealthy she is, nor even whether she is more, or perhaps less, wealthy than Kolomoyskyi. Almost all of the oligarchs’ money is hidden offshore; so, is invisible.

Most of Ukraine’s oligarchs live in Geneva (like Kolomoyskyi), London (like the Tymoshenkos’ daughter, Yevhenia), NYC, Rome, and other Western cities, and they tend to stash their money in secret bank accounts in tax-haven countries, not only in order to avoid paying taxes, but also in order to make more difficult their being successfully sued by each other, for violating handshake business deals that had helped them to become so rich. After all, illegal contracts cannot be enforced by any legal government (since they’re illegal, and have secret illegal terms). Thus, other means than written contracts — handshake deals — are resorted to between these aristocrats.

For example, in one such case, a Ukrainian oligarch who lives in London, Victor Pinchuk (whose fortune is around $4 billion), is suing Kolomoyskyi by alleging that he sold him a company, “KZhRK,” for $143 million, and then to had it re-seized it from him by force of arms. As is usual (since virtually all of Ukraine’s oligarchs had become oligarchs from the privatizations, or sell-offs of government assets, which accompanied Ukraine’s abandonment of communism), this case hinges on verbal testimony, and the various parties to the case contradict each other. Kolomoyskyi had allegedly well known for taking over corporations through his team entering with guns drawn. Pinchuk claims that when Kolomoyskyi did that here, Pinchuk nonetheless, somehow, managed to get Kolomoyskyi to restore Pinchuk to control, but that Pinchuk later discovered “it appears that they may have sold approximately 50% of KZhRK to a third party in 2007″; so, Pinchuk filed suit against Kolomoyskyi, in London, on this murky case.

According to a summary by wikipedia of several news reports: “Kolomyski has used [his banking company] Privat’s ‘quasi-military forces’ to enforce hostile takeovers of companies, sending a team of ‘hired rowdies armed with baseball bats, iron bars, gas and rubber bullet pistols and chainsaws’ to forcibly take over a Kremenchuk steel plant in 2006,[17] and has used ‘a mix of phony court orders (often involving corrupt judges and/or registrars) and strong-arm tactics’ to replace directors on the boards of companies he purchases stakes in.[18] Kolomyski was criticized by Mr Justice Mann in a court case in London involving an attempted hostile takeover of an oil company, with the judge stating that Kolomyski had ‘a reputation of having sought to take control of a company at gunpoint in Ukraine’.”

Consequently, the reports of Kolomoyskyi’s tactics against the Ukrainians who refuse to be ruled by the Obama-installed government in Kiev seem to be consistent with this oligarch’s violent norm. Oriental Review headlined on 14 May 2014, “Bloodbath in Odessa guided by interim rulers of Ukraine,” and reported that, “The information provided below was obtained from an insider in one of Ukraine’s law-enforcement agencies, who wished to remain anonymous for obvious reasons.” The account there is a more detailed one than has ever before appeared, and it’s consistent with those others (such as this and this). It alleges that:

“Ten days before the tragedy a secret meeting was held in Kiev, chaired by the incumbent president Olexander Turchinov [a long-time political ally and business-partner of Tymoshenko; he had destroyed crucial documents in the government’s case against Tymoshenko], to prepare a special operation in Odessa. Present were minister of internal affairs Arsen Avakov [a gangster who was placed on Interpol’s ‘Wanted’ list on 21 March 2012], the head of the Ukrainian Security Service Valentin Nalivaychenko [a long-time NATO agent], and the secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Andriy Parubiy [co-founder of Ukraine’s National Socialist, or Nazi, Party]. Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskiy, the Kiev-appointed head of regional administration of the Dnepropetrovsk region, was consulted in regard to the operation [he being well-experienced in violent operations].

“During that meeting Arsen Avakov … reportedly came up with the idea of using football [soccer] hooligans, known as ‘ultras,’ in the operation. Ever since his time as the head of the Kharkov regional administration he [Avakov] has worked closely with the fans’ leaders, whom he continued to sponsor even from his new home in Italy.

“Kolomoisky temporarily delivered his private ‘Dnieper-1′ Battalion under the command of law-enforcement officials in Odessa and also authorized a cash payment of $5,000 for ‘each pro-Russian separatist’ killed during the special operation. [That would be over $500,000, lent by his bank to the Ukrainian Government, to pay for the estimated 116 corpses thus produced.]

“Mykola Volkov [Captain Mykola Volkov Nikolaevich, born 1981 Odessa] was wanted by the Ukrainian police since 2012 for fraud. A couple of days before the operation in Odessa Andriy Parubiy brought dozens of bullet-proof vests to local ultra-nationalists. This video shows an episode of handing the vests to the local Maidan activists in Odessa. Take note of the person who receives the load. He is Mykola Volkov, a local hard-core criminal who would be repeatedly screened [filmed] during the assault on Trade Unionist House gun-shooting at the people and reporting about the ‘incident’ by phone to an official in Kiev.”

This video is one of several that show “Mykola” at various stages during the May 2nd massacre.

Basically, the Kiev regime bussed in far-right or “Pravy Sektor” people, in civilian clothes, to pretend to be separatists and shoot at crowds of people who were supporting a soccer team from the western part of Ukraine and now leaving a soccer match. Whatever members of the local police force hadn’t quit it in protest against the scheme were now employed to bring these enraged western Ukrainian, pro-Kiev, soccer fans to the encampment of the anti-Kiev demonstrators at the Trade Unions Building, to join in setting it ablaze. As indicated in some of the videos (such as this), part of the preparation in advance of the arrival of these enraged western soccer fans was the burning of the tents in front of the Trade Unions Building, where literature had been distributed against the Kiev regime. Regime agents pretended to support the protesters inside those tents, and warned those anti-Kiev people that attackers were coming, and that they’d better go into the building for their own safety. Then, the attackers came and set fire to the tents, and threw firebombs into the building. However, even before many of the anti-Kiev people were incinerated, the regime’s gunmen entered the building’s basement where many of those protesters were hiding, and shot as many of them as they could. Most of the corpses were dragged out and taken away in vans, but the victims on the upper floors were later counted by the police, who announced that 46 people were killed. The actual number is indeterminate, but generally estimated at over a hundred: the number most often cited is 116.

Here is a summary of many of the best videos that were taken of these events and uploaded to youtube. It shows the best-documented massacre in all of history.

Commissioning this massacre wasn’t out of character for Tymoshenko. For example, on 24 March 2014, she was caught urging the extermination of Ukrainian Russians, and even of all Russians. She said in a tapped phone call,

“They must be killed with nuclear weapons.”

Read the rest of the story here:


Odessa: May 18th Assembly


Куликово Поле. 18.05.2014. Народное вече.

Сегодня нас было вдвое больше, чем на прошлом вече. Мы должны и обязаны приходить каждое воскресенье на Куликово в 14:00. Следующее вече будет 25 мая и мы будем бойкотировать выборы!

Kulikovo Field. 18.05.2014. Popular Assembly.
Today we had twice as much as in the previous Assembly. We should and must come every Sunday at Kulikovo in 14:00. The next Assembly will be 25 May and we will boycott the elections.



In Odessa died 272 civilians on May 2nd…

In an interview to RT, the head of Odessa republic Mr. Valery Kaurov Kiev accused the Kiev junta for the killing of people in the south-east of Ukraine. Kaurov also noted that, according to his calculations, in Odessa on May 2 was killed in total 272 people….

Letter from Odessa Massacre Witness

I have been renovating building near the site of the tragedy on May 2 in Odessa. Engineer in the construction. My working was an eye-witness. He often came to these people at the campground. There was not separatists. They did not want to split Ukraine. But they did not want to see the fascists in our city. I also go there. There were normal, non-aggressive people. They did not think that they will be killed. But when the crowd rushed out, armed with sticks, they hid in the building. It’s a lie that the fire started inside. The Nazis tried to break down the door. When they could not – threw Molotov.

All this stuff is on the Internet. But not this. My working understood by the conversation, who the killers. These are people from the Western Ukraine. He says in Ukrainian, but did not understand everything that they say. Then he hid a lot of women in the yard. They sought the right sector. If found them – they would be killed too. Crimea and Donetsk left not from Ukraine. They fled from the Nazis.

Are all blind and can not see what is happening? Ukrainian media – a terrible lie, but people willingly believe. Because it’s easier to live. I know many will not believe me, but I must try to tell the truth. Let her know at least one person.

My name is Vladislav Shuvalov. I was born and live in Odessa.

Tuesday, May 13th, 2014


This message was sent to us, and Vladislav did his best to express himself in English. He did very well and we have decided to preserve his text the way it was given to us and made only slight corrections to formatting and punctuation.

Pictures of Victims Suggest White Phosphorus was used in the Odessa Massacre

One of the victims of the Odessa burning:


Please note that the eyelashes and hair are intact, strongly suggesting that the victim was burned by the use of white phosphorus or other chemicals.

According to several sources, the Odessa police made public its findings on its website which confirm that white phosphorus was used against the men, women and children who were seeking protection from fascists in the Trade Union building in Odessa, on 2.5.2014. However, according to several unconfirmed sources, the report was later hacked. Below is the report describing a different victim, as translated by Linda Oliver, but we do not have a link to it.

Translation by Linda Oliver:

The facial skin citizen P., 42 years old, covered with soot (except the folds of the eyelids , deep wrinkles, nasolabial triangle). At soot -free areas the skin is dry, yellowish, slightly scaly. In the frontal region, on the nose, on the cheeks and chin merging multiple brownish-red lesions irregularly rounded shape burns, parchment density.
In the bottom of their places translucent visible blood vessels. On the periphery of lesions are grayish flaps cuticle.
Damaged lungs, clothing intact, ulcerative 2-4 degree burns chemical exposure, asthma occurred during the chemical effects of the gas burns with chemical exposure”

Website source: 1.T20—T32 Термические и химические ожоги МКБ-10 2.MeSH D002056 3.МКБ-9 940-949 MeSH Browser Record MeSH Browser Record