Pictures of Victims Suggest White Phosphorus was used in the Odessa Massacre

One of the victims of the Odessa burning:


Please note that the eyelashes and hair are intact, strongly suggesting that the victim was burned by the use of white phosphorus or other chemicals.

According to several sources, the Odessa police made public its findings on its website which confirm that white phosphorus was used against the men, women and children who were seeking protection from fascists in the Trade Union building in Odessa, on 2.5.2014. However, according to several unconfirmed sources, the report was later hacked. Below is the report describing a different victim, as translated by Linda Oliver, but we do not have a link to it.

Translation by Linda Oliver:

The facial skin citizen P., 42 years old, covered with soot (except the folds of the eyelids , deep wrinkles, nasolabial triangle). At soot -free areas the skin is dry, yellowish, slightly scaly. In the frontal region, on the nose, on the cheeks and chin merging multiple brownish-red lesions irregularly rounded shape burns, parchment density.
In the bottom of their places translucent visible blood vessels. On the periphery of lesions are grayish flaps cuticle.
Damaged lungs, clothing intact, ulcerative 2-4 degree burns chemical exposure, asthma occurred during the chemical effects of the gas burns with chemical exposure”

Website source: 1.T20—T32 Термические и химические ожоги МКБ-10 2.MeSH D002056 3.МКБ-9 940-949 MeSH Browser Record MeSH Browser Record