
IOUC – Full Ukraine Crisis Report (Dec 2013 – Jul 2014)

A full report on the situation in Ukraine, from the Euromaidan in December 2013, to the present situation today in July 2014. Footage from the most important moments during the crisis have been compiled into this full length documentary from a Politically Neutral Standpoint.

This movie was produced and edited by Maj. Alan Astudillo of the 1st Earth Battalion, 4th Delta Force.

Disclaimer: We are in no way associated with groups that go by the names of IOUCO or IOUCON, also identified as the International Observatory of Ukrainian Conflict, These are biased groups lead by people with an agenda who are not politically neutral and seek to provoke more conflict rather than defuse it. We are in no way associated with these above-mentioned groups or the leader which goes by the name of Mykolas Alutis, which we know for a fact and hold evidence and testimony from that person himself that Mykolas Alutis is not his real name. It is unsure which side he is working for, but it is clearly not the side of peace.

This movie contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material in this movie is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond ‘fair use’, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

The Ukrainian Elections of May 25th

The presidential elections of Ukraine on May 25th were probably the less orthodox seen in modern European history. Not only did the majority of citizens not take part in the vote, people in the Donetsk region were constantly under attack from the Ukrainian National Armed Forces.

Beyond this disturbing fact, the election in the capital of Kiev were also out of balance. Following here are photographs taken at the poll stations where it is obvious that not only were the ballot boxes pre-filled with stacks of perfectly aligned voting papers, but also that some people voted multiple times.

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Furthermore, many of the actual voting documents were covered with claims condeming the Kiev government, and some even went so far as to vote for Vladimir Putin as President.

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Read more:


Meanwhile in the Donetsk, members of the self-defense forces celebrated their independence from Ukraine.


Unfortunately for the people of Slavyansk, the attacks on their city by the National Army of Ukraine continued and made May 25th a very terrible day for them. They did not get to enjoy the luxury of voting, or even leaving the shelter of their homes safely.

Read More:


In the days that would follow, the Ukrainian’s Army attacks on the people of Slavyansk and Donetsk would only increase, as we will see in following articles.






Odessa: May 18th Assembly


Куликово Поле. 18.05.2014. Народное вече.

Сегодня нас было вдвое больше, чем на прошлом вече. Мы должны и обязаны приходить каждое воскресенье на Куликово в 14:00. Следующее вече будет 25 мая и мы будем бойкотировать выборы!

Kulikovo Field. 18.05.2014. Popular Assembly.
Today we had twice as much as in the previous Assembly. We should and must come every Sunday at Kulikovo in 14:00. The next Assembly will be 25 May and we will boycott the elections.



9 facts that prove the US is behind Ukraine Crisis

  1.  “Over 5 Billion Dollars invested in Ukraine” – Victoria Nuland.
  2. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Post-Coup PM of Ukraine is openly supported by the US Government.
  3. “Fuck the EU” – Victoria Nuland.
  4. John McCain & co. visit the Euro-maidan protesters in Ukraine.
  5. The US provided propaganda to Whitewash the Euro-maidan coup.
  6. The White House openly supported the violent Euro-maidan protesters, claiming they were “peaceful”.
  7. The White House massively supported the Post-Coup government, even though it violated Ukrainian Law and Human Rights.
  8. CIA chief visited Kiev when Russian-speaking Eastern Regions started to revolt against the Post-Coup Junta.
  9. Who Benefits?