
Slavyansk: Damage Report – May 20th

Following the attack of the Ukrainian Army, National Guard and Private Sector, here are some images of the damages inflicted to the civilians of the city of Slavyansk and their property.

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Below: The Children of Slavyansk taking cover underground from the Ukrainian Army’s artillery strikes on their city.


More information can be found here:


Odessa: May 18th Assembly


Куликово Поле. 18.05.2014. Народное вече.

Сегодня нас было вдвое больше, чем на прошлом вече. Мы должны и обязаны приходить каждое воскресенье на Куликово в 14:00. Следующее вече будет 25 мая и мы будем бойкотировать выборы!

Kulikovo Field. 18.05.2014. Popular Assembly.
Today we had twice as much as in the previous Assembly. We should and must come every Sunday at Kulikovo in 14:00. The next Assembly will be 25 May and we will boycott the elections.
